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The Legality of Marijuana (school work)

Moderate      : there is an important issue that we need to discuss now. I want we have an agreement about the issue.
Secretary      : what issue?
Moderate     : let’s begin this discussion. The main thing we need to discuss is about the legality of marijuana.The legality of marijuana has been the subject of debate and controversy for decades. The government has planned a marijuana legalization program, because they are considered to have many benefits. Now I invite the audience to give opinion.
Against 1     : I don’t agree with that, because the drugs have more negative than positive impact.
Moderate      : is there any other opinion?
Against 2   : yeah, I agree with you. I think better drugs are not legalized by the government. Because too many losses. As an example of the social impact that will ensue for the community, especially the younger generation. Because marijuana contains elements of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which has the effect of analgesics, because of its nature as a hallucinogen and can cause euphoria.
Moderate      : good idea, the negative effects of marijuana is also making people lazy.
Pro 1        : but, I think it does not matter if marijuana was legalized, because the benefits of marijuana as well as many, namely cannabis leaf can be made of vegetables, the stems can be used as fiber rope, as pain and nausea in people with AIDS.
Against 1     : but in addition, there are still many losses. The worst effect of marijuana because it makes the wearer reaction is slower and users tend to be less vigilant. This will lead to high social vulnerability in society.
Moderate     : sounds good. If more negative effects than positive effects, its better just consumed by certain circles. Maybe any other the reasons that support your opinion?
Against 1     : yeah, as well as the internet. For example face book or online game, without us knowing that both have the same properties that make the user addicted.
Pro 2           : but, the legalization of marijuana is for prevention of drug abuse and illicit drug is increasing in our country Indonesia.
Against 2     : but how can prevent the abuse of narcotics, if marijuana is sold freely in pharmacies?
Pro 2        : we can follow the example of the Netherlands that allow the sale of marijuana in pharmacies. Dutch government made a very strict supervision of the circulation of drugs. Teens under 18 years old yet, can’t even enjoy smoking and alcohol.
Secretary   : I don’t agree with you, because in reality in Indonesia is not like that occurred in developed countries where people are rational and legal order. Social consciousness of our society is still low. Uniformed school students easily buy cigarettes and smoked in public. Smoking also purchase publications for adults. So also with marijuana, if legalized then the students will consume marijuana freely.
Against 1       : I agree with you.
Pro 1         : I think I also agree with you after having heard these arguments and the reasons of you.
Moderate       : is there any other opinion?
Secretary       : the discussion seems to be enough.
Moderate       : ok, because it seems tht we don’t get an agreement on the issue, we have to give our votes. Raise you hand if you agree with legality of marijuana or disagree with legality of marijuana. Who agree with that? Thank you. And who disagree with that? All right, there are 10 who agree and 15 who disagree. So the discussion has finished. Thank you for your coming and see you later.


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